- Bridgetown Hotel
Recently renovated, with a la carte dining and bar.
Ph 08 9761 1034
157 Hampton St,
Bridgetown WA - Chooks
Dine in or take-away BBQ & fried chicken
160 Hampton St, Bridgetown, WA. - Freemasons Hotel
Dinner every night
Ph 08 9761 1725 - Nelsons (Bridgetown Motel)
Restaurant style lunch & Dinner, licenced.
Ph 08 9761 1641
38 Hampton St
Bridgetown, WA., - BP Roadhouse
Takeaway food and pizza
Ph 08 9761 1181 43
Hampton St
Bridgetown, WA - The Blackwood Valley Cidery
Occasional dinners with local cider & wine
Ph:9761 2204
Gifford Rd
Bridgetown, WA - The Emporium Bistro
Light lunches & dinner,
Ph/Fax 08 9761 1699
Cnr Steere and Hampton Sts - Barking Cow
Light snacks & lunches
Ph:0415 689 886
88a Hampton St, Bridgetown - Humbugs
Light snacks
Ph: 97 612 467
90 Hampton St, Bridgetown - ISA Chinese Restaurant
73 Hampton Street, Bridgetown
Ph: 9761 4444